I hate my job

Ken writes:

Good Yule everybody! It’s been nice taking a couple of weeks off for Christmas and New Year. I’m definitely NOT looking forward to starting work again on the 5th. For so many reasons my dream job has become just another daily grind. I’d like to quit, to be honest, but I wouldn’t want to be out of work for a while looking for the next job. They say it’s much easier to find work if you’re already in work. Unfortunately, I think if my bosses found out that I was looking for another job, they’d probably give me the sack immediately, which makes it hard to use the obvious fora for looking for work.

Plusses associated with my job
They pay me,
Therefore I get a degree of satisfaction for being able to support myself and contribute to the family budget,
I am getting experience in my chosen career,

Negatives associated with my job:
I don’t get on well personally with my bosses,
My bosses intrude on my proper area of responsibility and try to micromanage me and the people under me.
There’s been a general breakdown on trust between me and them.
My work is far from my family, I can’t commute and have to stay away during the week,
It’s lonely during the week.

I don’t know really how to weigh the two sides up. Probably, I will just continue with the status quo and wait until they push me too far and then I will resign in a fit of rage.

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