
Chairlift, Moth

Dot writes: early in December 2015 I began to write a post about my favourite albums of the year. I was quite excited by the thought that, for the first time since 1995, I could easily fill a list with albums not just bought but released that very year. What with one thing and another I never published the post. Being that up-to-the-minute simply wasn’t very me. So here’s the best of 2015, in March 2016, with some extra stuff at the bottom – thus the post title.

Dot’s favourite 10 albums released in 2015 (in alphabetical order)

Courtney Barnett, Sometimes I Sit and Think, Sometimes I Just Sit 
Has now won oodles of prizes.

The Basics, The Age of Entitlement 
Of course.

Floating Points, Elaenia 
Gorgeous jazz-influenced instrumental music with a mixture of electronic and organic instruments.

Florence and the Machine, How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful 
Full of huge irresistible tunes, but I think my favourite part is the orchestral coda to the title track and the way it leads into the following song.

Grimes, Art Angels 
I love the slightly crazed, dark edge to this album of shiny, energetic pop music.

Muse, Drones 
I’m cheating here. I didn’t buy this until 2016. But it’s great: a concept album of stonking heavy rock full of bold references and influences. The last track is an adaptation of a Palestrina motet in which the singer, Matt Bellamy, impressively sings all the parts himself.

Nothing But Thieves, Nothing But Thieves
Ken and I saw NBT live in November and were very impressed.

Paper Kites, Twelvefour
Beautiful romantic folk-rock.

Tim Shiel, Gameloading 
A film soundtrack from the prolific Tim Shiel. A particular favourite of Hugh’s, who sometimes requests it at breakfast. Somehow it is good breakfast music.

Zervas and Pepper, Abstract Heart 
Beautifully textured country rock with the flavour of 1969.

And some excellent EPs from 2015

Japanese Wallpaper, Japanese Wallpaper

Timberwolf, Flux

Wafia, XXIX

Current listening

Our routine has changed a bit and I haven’t been finding as many opportunities to search out and listen to music as in preceding months. However, I can recommend a couple of albums that have come out so far this year: Chairlift’s Moth (standout tracks for me are ‘Crying in Public’ and ‘Moth’) and Beacon’s Escapements (which is very much a grower, full of subtle electronic soundscapes). And I’m looking forward to the release of A Mineral Love by Bibio, which seems to be an exercise in exploring different styles of music from the past; four tracks of this are available already and the full thing should be out on 1st April.

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